Voxel Max
Voxel Max makes creating professional level voxel art on the go easy and fun. It has all the tools to compete with desktop voxel editors, and adds in unique features like pressure sensitivity, construction playback and an augmented reality viewer. The sleek and intuitive interface is easy to master whether you're a 3D game developer, a digital artist on the move, or a kid with a huge imagination.
Build a mushroom house and learn your ways around Voxel Max in this 8-part tutorial set.

Voxel Max paired with an Apple Pencil is an amazing creative experience. It unlocks a kind of sculpting that just isn't possible with a mouse and keyboard. This puts all the power a professional voxel game artist needs into an easy to use, mobile package.

VoxelMax is an amazing and a very powerful app that allows you to freely create whole worlds on a mobile device — anywhere, at any given moment, you have access to your creativity on the tips of your fingers or Pencil. It feels so natural to create in the app — I absolutely love it!
Voxel Max creations look amazing on the iPad Pro's retina display.